The KEIM Marcelle Ines Foundation Inc Cameroon was created by a beautiful soul who sadly passed away a little over a year ago. He is KOUNOU ESSENGUE Marcelle Ines.
was duly incorporated under the laws of the State of Georgia on 03/10/2023 by filing the Articles of Incorporation in the Office of the Secretary of State and by the payment of the fees provided for by Title 14 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated.
The fundamental principle of the association is to carry out non-profit actions with the aim of providing relief and assistance to people; Its action is based on humanitarian aid that puts people at the heart of its action. The actors of the association are dedicated to providing help and support to meet the needs of people. With the firm desire to solve the problems of vulnerable people, the association relies on existing local socio-cultural structures. Our objectives are to: fight against poverty and social precariousness. Thus, we encourage actions related to the development and social well-being of people in their environment.
This organization is organized for charitable, religious, and scientific purposes, including, for such purposes, contributing to organizations that qualify to be exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Revenue Code or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
The association is involved in the implementation of regional development programs by providing support to local communities. Its scope of action concerns development aid projects in the following areas: health, education, agriculture and the environment.
The District of Ebebda is located in the Center region,department. It covers an area of,and has 33 villages. It is limited to the west by the District of Bokito, to the North by the District of Saa, to the South and to the East by the District of Monatele. Its population is estimated at more than 30,000 inhabitants and is made up of the Eton and the Manguissa.
Marcelle Ines, during her childhood, went to assist her grandparents in the village, located in the District of Ebebda. She observed the precariousness in which the populations of the said locality lived. Some children were unable to go to school due to lack of financial means. Others started the school year but did not finish it. The vacation period was strictly dedicated to field work. No leisure activities were organized. Idle young people were exposed to certain scourges such as: drug consumption and juvenile delinquency. Even more serious, giving gifts to children at Christmas time was a myth. From this observation an idea arose in Marcelle Ines. That of doing humanitarian work in order to support the weak and deprived social sectors.
The EBEBDA District has an estimated population of more than 30,000 people, 70% of whom are essentially young and poor. The ambient poverty of this locality prevents young people from receiving an adequate education. During the summer holidays, the absence of attractions for young people creates excesses that undermine their development.
KEIM MARCELLE INES FONDATION Ines, aware of this situation, is committed to finding solutions by organizing a Mega-championship which will bring together 33 villages in this District. This football activity called KEIM MARCELLE INES FONDATION CHAMPIONS LEAGUE EBEBDA 2023 is also committed to making donations to deprived social groups, orphans, encouraging excellence and organizing the Christmas caravan.
KEIM.MARCELLE INES FONDATION Inc has the general objective of improving the well-being of populations, promoting living together and developing the EBEBDA District.
« KEIM. MARCELLE INES FOUNDATION Inc for the activities of the year 2023 aims at the following results: The massive participation of teams from 33 villages of the EBEBDA District,The production of a moving show,The satisfaction of the poor, destitute social strata and that of orphans
«KEIM MARCELLE INES FOUNDATION targets young people in and out of school, poor, destitute and orphaned social strata. In order to implement all these actions,KEIM MARCELLE INES FOUNDATION Inc will need various supports from souls of good will and from all walks of life.
The KEIM Marcelle Ines Foundation Inc Cameroon was created by a beautiful soul who sadly passed away a little over a year ago. He is KOUNOU ESSENGUE Marcelle Ines.
KOUNOU ESSENGUE MARCELLE INES (KEIM) was a Cameroonian born on May 31, 2000 in Yaounde;. Left for the United States at the age of 15
After obtaining her Baccalaureate, Series C with honors, she continued her university studies which were sanctioned in 2022 by a Master Degree in Financial and Actuarial Sciences. In 2020, KOUNOU ESSENGUE Marcelle Ines created a company called KEIM LLC. She was 20 years old at the time.
Sadly, 2 years later, she was snatched from life, after a traffic accident. Her parents, wanting to commemorate her idea of doing humanitarian work and to have reason to survive without her, turned KEIM into a foundation. As of March 17, 2023, KEIM. MARCELLE INES FOUNDATION Inc has received its declaration receipt from the U.S. authorities. It is headquartered in the USA and has a branch in Cameroon.
We believe that all children deserve a quality education, whether in developing countries or in times of crisis and conflict.
We work around the world to reduce poverty and protect girls and boys from its irremediable consequences. As with children, adults living in poverty have fewer good health outcomes, including higher mortality rates and increased risk of mental health problems
We are therefore constantly looking for new solutions that would make adequate housing accessible and affordable for everyone.
The KEIM Marcelle Ines Foundation surrounds itself with professionals to collect funds to help populations in need. Thus, it works in partnership with communities, craftsmen, individuals, and other associations in multiple fields in order to carry out these projects that contribute to the common good.
Socio-cultural: offer free or paid artistic, musical, leisure, creative and culinary activities.
Socio-economic: participate in workshops for the elaboration or manufacture of handicrafts or cultural performances.
Educational: Develop creative and educational sessions or performances to grow the culture of our populations.
To carry out solidarity and charitable actions for vulnerable populations in France and the International and to achieve a synergy of humanitarian action the association needs the help of all donors from Africa, Asia, Europe and America, both industrialized and developing countries. The strength of the Associationis the solidarity of the people.
Did you know that this has been scientifically proven? Indeed, science has proven that being generous leads to a feeling of well-being for the donor. This shared well-being is visible in each of the donors through different physical, psychological and sociological phenomena.
Below are some of the questions we hear most often from donors and charities
The fundamental principle of the association is to carry out non-profit actions with the aim of providing relief and assistance to people; its action is based on humanitarian aid which puts man at the heart of its action
First of all, we would like to note that every donation counts for the KEIM Marcelle InEs Foundation and how grateful we are for each of them. Your generosity helps us to relieve the suffering of people in socio-political and economic /crises around the world.
The KEIM Marcelle Ines Fondation is directed by
>Director of the USA foundation: BAYIHA GEORGES ROSTAND 001 6782494967
Director of the Cameroon foundation:NDONGO BENOGO SERAPHINE 677710769Joining the KEIM Marcelle Ines Fondation means being part of an association of volunteers and adhering to the principles of solidarity and humanity. A few clicks are enough on the keimmarcelleinesfondation.org platform to get involved.
"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment or the smallest act of attention, all of which have the potential to transform a life.Leo Buscaglia
ADRESSE: 411 Royal Oak Dr, Acworth, GA, 30102, USA
+001 6782494967
+237 677710769